SMSF investment: 20 most popular LICs/LITs
Listed investment companies have been around for almost a century and remain popular with SMSF investors looking for cost-effective diversification in a single trade.
Home / SMSFs / SMSF investing / Most popular investments for SMSFs
In this section you can find the most popular investments for SMSFs, including the top 20 Australian shares, international shares, managed fund and ETFs.
Listed investment companies have been around for almost a century and remain popular with SMSF investors looking for cost-effective diversification in a single trade.
From a standing start 20 years ago, ETFs now play a central role in many SMSF investment portfolios with more than 300 to choose from.
Traditional managed funds may not have the ‘it’ factor of ETFs but they still pack a punch in many SMSF portfolios, providing significant diversification.
Australian shares remain the most popular asset class among SMSF investors who continue to put their faith, and their money, in our mining heavyweights and big four banks.
Investing directly in international shares is still a fringe activity for most SMSFs, but the allure of the world’s big tech companies is proving irresistible for some.
Listed Australian shares continue to be the most popular asset class for SMSF trustees but other assets are gaining ground.
SMSF trustees are often accused of being unadventurous in their asset allocation, but some are bucking the trend with ‘exotic’ investments in everything from horse semen to vending machines and dividend-paying cows.
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